Overall, I think many teenagers would be interested in reading "Freaky Green Eyes".
First of all, the main character - Franky - is 14 years old, which is about the age of the potential readers, and goes through situations many teenagers have to face. Probably, many young readers could identify with Franky. As she creates an unbelievable strength in coping with challenging situations she could even act as a role model for many teens, I think.
Secondly, the main themes of the novel, such as divorce/separation of parents, rape/sexual abuse, family bonds, creating an identity and violence, can be identified as relevant for many young readers.
Moreover, the novel's style of writing is probably also very appealing to young adults. Most of the book is written from Franky's perspective. Therefore, the language and vocabulary use can be easily understood by young readers. Furthermore, the novel also contains e-mails, diary entries and police interviews. This change in media keeps the story interesting and provides different viewpoints. Especially the use of e-mails can be described as relevant for teenagers as most of them use e-mailing very often.
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