Montag, 9. Mai 2011

"The truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth" (p. 321)

First of all, I do not regret to have chosen to read the novel "Freaky Green Eyes"... :-)

Overall, I really liked the main character Franky as I could identify with her feelings because I, partly, experienced similar challenges as a child and teenager as she does. There are situations in life in which one has to depend on one's inner strengths in order to cope with them and express one's opinions and beliefs clearly. Franky can be seen as a role model because she doesn't get frightened by others. Instead, she stands in for her beliefs and fights for them.

How to work with the novel in class

I think the novel could be used in grade 10 as the language style should be easy to understand by the students and the themes which are dealt with in the book are relevant for students of that age. Moreover, the plot can be characterized as very thrilling which might carry a motivational function.

I could imagine to include several different classroom activities .... --> a brainstorming:
- Brainstorming: "Freaky Green Eyes": What do you expect the novel to be about? (pre-reading activity)
- How do you master challenging situations in life? Talk about that question with a partner. (pre-reading activity)
- Imagine you are Franky: Tell your best friend about "Freaky Green Eyes" (while-/post-reading activity)
- How would you characterize Franky? (while-/post-reading activity)
- Continue writing the Lavender Journal. (post-reading activity)

Is the novel appealing to teenagers?

Overall, I think many teenagers would be interested in reading "Freaky Green Eyes".

First of all, the main character - Franky - is 14 years old, which is about the age of the potential readers, and goes through situations many teenagers have to face. Probably, many young readers could identify with Franky. As she creates an unbelievable strength in coping with challenging situations she could even act as a role model for many teens, I think.

Secondly, the main themes of the novel, such as divorce/separation of parents, rape/sexual abuse, family bonds, creating an identity and violence, can be identified as relevant for many young readers.

Moreover, the novel's style of writing is probably also very appealing to young adults. Most of the book is written from Franky's perspective. Therefore, the language and vocabulary use can be easily understood by young readers. Furthermore, the novel also contains e-mails, diary entries and police interviews. This change in media keeps the story interesting and provides different viewpoints. Especially the use of e-mails can be described as relevant for teenagers as most of them use e-mailing very often.

The main character

The novel "Freaky Green Eyes" is written from the perspective of the 14-year-old girl Franky Pierson. Franky (whose actual name is Francesca which she doesn't like) has freckled skin, red hair and green eyes. Like many teenagers, she is interested in music and sports; she is really good at swimming.

Franky lives together with her father (who is a famous former football star), her mother, her little sister Samantha and her big stepbrother Todd.

Throughout the novel, Franky has to face several challenging situations. In order to cope with those situations she creates a secret part in herself which she calls "Freaky Green Eyes". "Freaky Green Eyes" can be described as Franky's stronger self. It helps her to stay calm and strong even when everything is going wrong. "Freaky Green Eyes" evolves when Franky goes to a party and almost gets raped by a boy called Cameron. With the help of "Freaky Green Eyes" she defends herself and runs away. In the course of the novel, Franky has to watch how her parents distance themselves more and more from each other. Moreover, she has to experience how her father turns into a dominant and violent man, how her mother moves aways from home and how her brother turns away from her. Finally, her mother even disappears and Franky has to find out that her father killed her. In all those situations, Franky stays calm, strong and relies on her self-security.

Sonntag, 8. Mai 2011

Why I chose to read "Freaky Green Eyes"...

this is my first entry in my first weblog... :-)

In order to decide which book to read I looked all of them up at and read all the reviews as I had only heard of "The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas" before.

As quite a few of the novels interested me I decided to order two of them. I chose two novels which deal with quite different topics (ethnicity on the one hand and divorce on the other hand):
- "Freaky Green Eyes" and
- "The Skin I'm in"

I think both of them deal with themes teens would be interested in. "Freaky Green Eyes" deals with divorce - a topic which many children and teens know from their own families. Moreover, this novel caught my interest as it is described as a psychological thriller. As I like to read thrillers in my free time I wanted to get to know how intense a thriller which was written for teens would be.